Monday, April 13, 2020


Reported cases are still declining, and the decline appears to be strengthening. It's over, folks. Time to get on with life and recovering the economy. (Yes, I know the HealthScare Professionals will disagree -- vehemently -- but they're wrong.)

Deaths are also declining, and again, the decline is steepening, approaching the HealthData best case (green dashed line) scenario.

And, by the way, 99.11% of the U.S. population is still coronavirus free.

It is time to give up on the HealthScare Professionals and scrap forever their grand isolation strategy: you don't win a war by attacking the innocent, i.e., isolation; you win a war by attacking the enemy, in this case, coronavirus, with every tool in the toolkit. And you don't forgo possible tools just because they haven't been proven 'safe and effective' against an unknown enemy. Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said it well: "You don't go to war with the forces you want; you go to war with the forces you have." And left unsaid "You develop the forces you want along the way."

And let's quit talking so much about the number of citizens whose lives have been or will be affected by the coronavirus and start talking a little more about the number of citizens whose lives have been or will be devastated by this grand strategy of shutting down the entire U.S. economy.

It is time for a different form of isolation: Isolation of the health nannies, their government panjandrums, and media cheerleaders into dark, tiny safe houses; then close and lock the doors. Forever.

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