Saturday, January 20, 2018

DONALD JOHN TRUMP has been President of the United States for one year now. How does his first year compare with (thankfully former) President Obama's first year?

The data was taken from Rasmussen's Presidential Approval index where the index is the difference between the percentage of those who strongly approve the President's performance and those who strongly disapprove.

Trump started his administration nearly 20 points below Obama, and that difference remained constant for the first six months of his administration. Since July his approval leveled out and has been slowly increasing ever since.

Trump's approval exceeded Obama's for the first time ever on the 21st of December and the two have been essentially the same ever since. The trend lines (3rd order polynomial least-mean-square fit) tend to indicate that Trump's approval will continue to improve while Obama's will continue to decline.

The media narrative isn't looking so good....

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