Tuesday, July 02, 2013


WHY IS WENDY DAVIS A ‘HERO,’ but not the women who stand up to Planned Parenthood’s abuses and lies?
What Wendy Davis and her supporters did Tuesday night was not only not heroic, it was dangerous. Setting the particular legislation aside, the legislative process is there to protect us all from each other. It channels our energies, our anger both righteous and not, into a peaceful process by which we make choices and govern ourselves. No one always gets everything they want, but in theory at least, everyone has a fair shot to be heard. The system isn’t perfect but it has served us pretty well for quite a while now. Disrupting that process rips the social contract. It mocks the rule of law. It may unleash lawlessness that can get out of control. No one, least of all the president of the United States, should encourage such action or call it “something special.”

Obama and Davis and their supporters are aborting the very system by which voters have entrusted them with power. Unchecked, the consequences of disrupting that process can be dire.
Nothing else matters to them for whom the ends justify the means.

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