Wednesday, February 03, 2010

SARAH PALIN chides Rahm Emmanuel for his “f---ing retarded” remark in a recent White House strategy session.

Like Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof, on the one hand I dislike seeing Palin playing the hypersensitive “I’m offended because ...” card. Yet on the other, I wonder how the Democrats like it when the spike heel is on the other foot?

More: “Palin wants Rahm fired for calling liberals 'retarded'? Really? Isn't truth a legitimate defense anymore?”

1 comment:

  1. I'm of the same mind, really.

    But you've got to hand it to her, brilliantly played, politically.

    The damage to her "cool" points by somewhat overreacting is so much less than the damage to Rahm Emanuel's reputation by being childish in public.

    Plus, if she hadn't called for him to be fired, the story wouldn't have gotten as much press.
