Sunday, September 22, 2024

FALLING LEAVES 2024 begins tonight, a week or so late since leaves are already falling. This year I'll do things a bit different, with the first three photos each week always taken from the same location. That said, here are this year's first three:
This first photo is taken from the front of our barn, looking downhill toward the pond. The pond will be more visible as the leaves fall. It doesn't show in this picture, but there is already some browning of leaves in the upper reaches of the trees.
This is the road from our house to the highway. They're not particulary visible in the image, but the roses along the fence are still flowering. The trees in the upper left have already begun to yellow and fall.
Going the other way, the roses along the fence line are more visible. The smaller trees just above the forsythis have already turned red, although it's not as visible in the shade.
I'll get more pond pictures as time goes on, but it's a long walk down (and longer up!) so that won't be weekly. It's always pretty down there, and being in a valley it usually takes much longer for the leaves to change and fall.
Finally, here's one from outside the neighborhood. In bright sunlight, it's a fiery red; in the shade when this picture was taken, it's much more muted.

Until next week....

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