Wednesday, April 28, 2010

laments the ‘corporatization’ of Earth Day while the Washington Examiner’s Chris Stirewalt observes (scroll down; 4th item):

Writer Leslie Kaufman offers a lamentation on the corporatization of Earth Day and looks at the ways in which big bad capitalists have found ways to make money on the 40-year-old liberal holiday. It’s a sell out, man.

But there’s money to be made from suckers and as NBC, Pepsi and many others know, there’s a great concentration of suckers inside the environmental movement. If companies can get people to pay extra by slapping an “organic” label on something, even if organic often means more pollution, they’re going to go for it.

Kaufman does not, though, explain why it is that so many environmental groups have been willing to become corporate handmaidens. It’s the money. The huge salaries and expenses at liberal scare groups like the Environmental Defense Fund and the Sierra Club have created a dependence on corporate contributions. Like their cousins in the racial grievance business, many environmental groups have become shakedown artists who offer protection for a price.
“Protection for a price” - the Mafia goes legit.

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