Wednesday, January 27, 2010

2010 STATE OF THE UNION - the President speaks:

9:07 The President arrives.

9:09 (on Fox, Sarah Palin introduced as an analyst - this should be interesting.)

9:12 It begins; Pelosi introduces the President.

9:14 One year ago, the US was a mess -- the first blame Bush moment.

9:19 The American people want us - Democrats and Republicans - to work together. I'll talk about how together we can meet that desire [first applause moment]

9:20 I supported the Bush bailout - even though we all hated it. Stabilized the financial system - in a transparent manner.

9:21 We cut taxes for almost everybody ... homebuyers, parents with kids going to college, .... millions of Americans have more to spend. Not a single dime in income taxes. Two million people employed who would otherwise be unemployed ... teachers, firemen, police.

-- taxes? surely you jest.
-- the newly employed are all government employees.

9:25 He's calling for Stimulus II, given that stimulus I was so successful.

9:27 Let's take the money the big banks paid back and spend it on more loans to the insolvent.

9:29 Let's build "green" infrastructure; high-speed rail that won't be used; insulation for homes, , clean energy, etc.

9:32 The only way to full employment is to ..., to ..., to ... not wait? No, to fix the problems that ..., that ..., lack of financial regulation caused?

9:36 Well, well, ... better batteries; advanced solar cells, nuclear power plants, clean coal, and ... wait for it ... cap 'n trade (alsl known as climate change).

9:38 We will double our exports over the next 5 years. OK, how? Make our trade partners follow our rules. Oh, yeah, that'll work.

9:40 We'll improve education by rewarding things that work -- spend more money on government schools that already don't work. More student loans for college; no repayment larger than 10% of income; no repayment at all after 20 years - 10 if you go into government work.


9:45 Back to the past (health care) once again. Kudos to Michelle for being the Government nanny and reduce child obesity.

9:48 I will not walk away from health care (3rd time is a charm, right?).

9:50 Let's turn to government spending ... Bush did it ... we were $3 trillion in the hole "before I walked in the door."

9:52 Now that we all understand it's Bush's fault, I propose that we freeze government spending - except for Social Security, Medicare, defense, etc.

9:54 It's still Bush's fault. And oh, by the way, the freeze I just declared won't take effect until next year when my charisma will cure everything.

9:56 It's still Bush's fault.

9:58 No lobbyists (except those in the White House).

9:59 Let's overrule the Supreme Court.

10:00 Publish all earmarks online before there's a vote ... uh, like the 5 day rule posting a bill before it's signed?

10:05 Ah, now it's time for defense ... prohibited torture; stopped far more attacks than in 2008 (uh, yeah, could that be because there were more attempts in 2009?)

10:07 All combat troops out of Iraq by August ... this war is ending and our troops are coming home.

10:08 Secure nuclear materials so they can't fall into the hands of terrorists .... Uh, Pakistan? North Korea?

10:14 Repeal don't ask; don't tell.

10:15 Equal pay for women ... how about equal pay for equal work? equal time served?

10:15 Let's fix immigration. OK, how? ...

10:15 Let's bash the rich again.

10:17 I campaigned; I did this; I did that. Me again.

10:21 I don't quit ... (Thank you, God bless, and Good Night)

"Obamism" count
I am/did/will ... : 11
Let me be clear: 2
False choices: 1
I inherited this mess: 5

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