Sunday, March 15, 2009


Victor Davis Hanson on some “hopenchange” measures that could get bipartisan support. I’ve paraphrased, so please read it all.

1) Recently the UN Secretary-General termed the US a “deadbeat” donor ... cannot we hope and change this organization out of New York? A UN headquarters in Nairobi or Lagos would save millions in transportation costs, and allow UN employees a feel for problems in a way New York does not.

2) We had a 9/11 Commission; a Baker-Hamilton Commission on Iraq. So why not a Meltdown Commission. Collate all the campaign contributions from the failed banks, Madoff, the entire open sewer of politics and high finance, and then let the commission issue a white paper on when, why, and how it all went down.

3) Farm subsidies. I never understood why a plum or grape grower got nothing and survived, and much wealthier cotton growers got lots, thrived, and said they would go broke without federal largess.

4) Our Ambassadors. Can we stop appointing the wealthy and well-connected to ambassadorships? Iimagine majors and colonels never making generals, who were instead appointed on the basis of campaign contributions.

5) When will the public simply ridicule the practice of naming buildings, highways, bridges, schools after living representatives and senators? If we must name infrastructure after our congressional grandees, cannot we at least wait until they are dead?

6) Do no harm. Yes, do nothing for a few months. Why not relax for 100 days and let the markets correct?

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