Sunday, February 08, 2009


Senator John Kerry explains the Democrats’ view:

I've supported many tax cuts over the years, and there are tax cuts in this proposal. But a tax cut is non-targeted.

If you put a tax cut into the hands of a business or family, there's no guarantee that they're going to invest that or invest it in America.

They're free to go invest anywhere that they want if they choose to invest.

Mary Katherine Ham: “Kerry betrays the fear that haunts every good liberal— that the American people won't spend their money on exactly what good liberals would spend it on. Good liberals must, therefore, advocate for forcibly relieving the American people of the better part of a trillion dollars of their own money to fund things like STD education, welfare programs, and water parks.”

Note the irony here. This recession was caused by the American people spending more than we could afford for the last many years, so the solution is for the Government to spend trillions of dollars beyond its means for the next many years to get us out of this recession

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