'Never Trump' Republicans should be kicked out of the party, and never be permitted to return.
From the comments, some principles for a real Republican party:
1. Maximum encouragement of a single national identity. The "melting pot", not the "salad bowl". You're either an American first, or a foreigner.I hope to see that party, starting November 4th.
2. Pride in that national identity. We're Americans. We do Great Things because we are a Great People. Not plaster saints, but more on the side of the angels than the devils.
3. We support true free trade (that means the same rules going both directions) among peer states. Trade with non-peer states (that means the Third World) should be restricted, both to protect our own workers from being undercut (and thus pushed down in earning power) and their industries from not rising beyond making cheap consumer goods.
4. We support a strong national defense. We recognize that the world is a hostile place, and that a superpower cannot indulge in isolationism. However, we also recognize that our power is not adequate to solve all the world's ills. We fight for America's interests, not those of foreign lands.
5. We support laws and regulations that are few in number and clear in wording. The common man should be able to comply with both without hiring a lawyer to pick a safe way through the regulatory minefield.
6. We support leveraging the free market to drive down the cost of government services. This particularly applies to schooling, but can be applied to things such as health insurance as well.
7. We believe in personal liberty. Not "equality". Not "social justice". The freedom to excel, the liberty to do right in the manner that seems wise to you.
8. We believe in personal responsibility. This is the other side of liberty, the requirement to bear responsibility for what you have done. Harm others, and you will face punishment.
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