Friday, November 15, 2013

FROM MY EMAIL: some thoughts on Obama's health care 'fix':
Can't stand to watch him [Obama] and only read a small part about the 'fix' to ObamaCare.
Watching the President on television improves Fox News anchor Shepard Smith's stature incredibly.
And let me see if I get this correct. Obama is simply going to say he won't enforce the removal of the 'substandard' plans for a year. They will still be illegal and the insurance companies (and enrollees) will just have to trust the administration not to change its mind (or decide to 'encourage' some additional compliance under threat of procecution)?
"Trust me" is not a phrase I'd ever use with this administration.
"Insurers can extend current plans that otherwise would be canceled into 2014," Obama said. "This fix won't solve every problem for every person, but it's going to help a lot of people." How can this be? I thought the cancellations were only affecting a small number of people with substandard plans.
Pivot! A 'tiny minority' suddenly becomes 'a lot of people'. The President spins so rapidly it's a wonder he doesn't fall over from dizziness.

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