Monday, May 16, 2011

ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION editorial writer Cynthia Tucker blames you for high gasoline prices.

Reader Thulsa Doom takes her down in the comment section (quoted in full):
I will agree and disagree with some of what you say. First of all alternative energy programs are funded as you noted by the govt for the most part because they simply aren’t economically feasible- they just aren’t competitive with oil and won’t be for the foreseeable future. Except for natural gas of which we have vast stores. We just have to build the pumps and infrastructure and fund a gradual move to natural gas over a 5-10 year time frame.

The problem is blind ideology - Obama does not want this because natural gas is a fossil fuel - regardless of the fact that its cleaner than oil.

We could go to the electric car but the batteries for the most part are going to have to be charged - with nuclear or coal fired power plants. Obama opposes both.

Oil is a finite resource? And your point? The Saudis still have hundreds of years left of reserves, we still discover oil deposits, and we now know and now have the technology to extract billions of new barrels of oil from the tar sands here in North America. And as I said we have enormous stores of natural gas to turn to. Why are we not doing that?

Obama has a clue as to what he’s talking about unlike his predecessor? Really? Bush was in the oil business. I think he has forgotten more about energy and oil in particular than Obama has or will ever learn. There is no factual basis for making a statement that Obama knows what he is talking about. Clearly the man hasn’t a clue.

Obama can’t fix 30 years of policy in 3 years? I’ll agree with you on that but exactly what has he done? He helps Brazil drill for oil off its shores but refuses to reallow drilling off our own shores, he opposes coal because he thinks it causes asthma- yes, he actually said that in a speech the other day, he also talked as a candidate about making coal obsolete via cap and trade policies that would make it too expensive to use coal, and the man opposes nuclear power.

He spoke about creating millions of green jobs. Really? Where are they? I haven’t seen one.

Does this man really think that wind and solar power can fuel our economy? Speaking of that remember that solar panel company in Mass. that the stimulus funded with 42 million of U.S taxpayer dollars? They packed up and shipped(outsourced) the jobs to China and closed the plant here. Why? Because what they are doing isn’t feasible on a mass scale.

How about wind? T. Boone Pickens - one of our great energy businessman - can’t make it work. He gave up recently on it and concluded it just isn’t going to work on a mass scale. Does Obama know more than this 60 something year old man who has spent his whole life in energy development?

Face it. This clown has not a clue as to what he is doing. None. Zilch. Nada. And to add insult to injury Georgia voters are going to pay an extra 3 cents per gallon tax as of May 1.

Oh but Obama has responded. He did appoint a commission to “look into” why gas prices are rising. What will result from this commission. Not a dang thing.
The Obama administration’s economic policy is to drive Americans to an urban lifestyle wholly dependent on mass transportation - except for themselves.

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