Thursday, July 09, 2009


On Fox & Friends this morning, Karl Rove indicated that the American public is trending more conservative. Here's some data.

This first graphic is the Obama Approval Index from Rasmussen Reports. I've been tracking the approval index ever since the inauguration, waiting for it to hit zero, but never quite getting around to posting. The straight line is the trend line.

The second graphic appears to support Rove's contention. Green indicates those who "strongly support" President Obama; red indicates those who "strongly disapprove"; and black indicates those in the middle who lack a strong opinion.

Looking at the trend lines, the middle has remained relatively constant at about 1/3 while the strong disapprovals have gotten significantly higher and the strong approvals have gotten significantly smaller. The trend suggests that strong approvals are moving toward approvals, approvals are moving toward to disapprovals, and disapprovals are moving toward strong disapprovals.

If Obama's poll numbers reflect policy preferences, the Rasmussen data does indeed Rove's conservative trend.


  1. But this doesn't answer my real question, mainly, when can I test the waters to see if my clueless Liberal friends have stopped drinking their kool aid?

  2. I dunno, but I think the grafs show that at least some of your "clueless Liberal friends" are now drinking the diet stuff.
