Saturday, March 28, 2009

THE BIG 3-5-0

A milestone of sorts. I just published my 350th post, with three more still scheduled. I'm still in a bit of shock about that - I never dreamed I'd be writing so much or so often.

When I first started Shadow's World, it was simply going to be a mechanism to communicate with family and friends while I was on my first tour of Iraq. It didn't work, of course; in 2006, internet communication from a war zone simply didn't exist.

Well, that's not quite true. It did, but "commercial" internet was in its infancy in Iraq, slow and intermittent at best.

On my second tour in 2008, I was smarter and didn't take a computer - only to find out that I was wrong again. Even the CHU's (Coalition housing units, or quarters) were wired with high-speed internet. (One of my co-workers used to watch football games from his CHU via webcam with his father in the States.)

Now Shadow's World has morphed into sort of a semi-political blog, and I've morphed into a pajamas-clad (gasp!) blogger, flinging unwashed opinions into the ether from a darkened basement (well, not quite: the computer I'm at is actually in a bedroom).

To paraphrase someone, I'm not sure who, "we live in interesting times."

1 comment:

  1. Where better for a pajama blogger than the bedroom?

    Congrats on your accomplishment, from your "Internet makes for Bizzare connections" fan! One of the coolest blogs out there, with some of the best perspectives.

    ...That sounded like a lame Amazon review. Well, no matter. I may surf many blogs, but this is one of the only I've actually bookmarked to come back to.
